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Circular Construction Practices for Climate Action

The mission of the project is to contribute to climate change mitigation and security of supply in the construction sector by strengthening circular construction in the Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovenia, using best practices from Germany. 



Nowadays there is a strong demand to introduce circular economy practices into the construction sector. The most actual EU documents foresee the reduction of environ- mental impacts and resource depletion and in the construction sector this can only be achieved by the implementation of several different measures, among them also circular economy principles. The focus of the projects is the transition and increased implementation of good CE principles into CZ, PL, and SVN. One of the important tasks is to increase awareness of the stakeholders and to provide the environment that will enable the transition from a liner towards a circular economy


The CirCon4Climate project contributes to climate neutral buildings by developing circular knowledge and practices and its effective implementation in Czechia, Poland, and Slovenia. Close collaboration of construction process actors, representing both private and public sectors will allow to understand problems that they face and find the best tailor-made solutions based on German experiences. The project in- tends to build a bridge between representatives of various branches operating in the construction sector, across the whole value chain and establish a forum to discuss and work on the most promising solutions that will accelerate implementation of Fit for 55 package and thus effective transformation towards circular economy models with respect to the environmental, geopoiitical, and social conditions occurring locally. The building materials market does not promote environmentally friendly materials, so it is difficult to expect that this gap will be quickly filled by the efforts of the manu- facturers themselves. The project aims to provide a reliable source of environmental information on CE, recycling of building materials and processing of raw materials used in the production of building products.


This project is part of the European Climate Initiative (EUKI). EUKI is a project financing instrument by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK).


The EUKI competition for project ideas is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. It is the overarching goal of the EUKI to foster climate cooperation within the European Union (EU) in order to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.


The grant is made available for the period 1.12.2022-31.3.2025.


Toward Circular Construction
- European stakeholder consultations

Date:  17 May 2023
Venue:  Instytut Techniki Budowlanej, Filtrowa 1, Warsaw

Participation: only in person, free of charge
Language: Polish
Registration: here

We kindly linvite all interested stakeholders from construction industry to a consultation meeting devoted to the implementation of circular construction solutions. 


The meeting will be held on May 17 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm at the headquarters of the Building Research Institute at 1 Flirtowa Street in Warsaw. 


During the full-day workshop, we will want to discuss with you circular criteria for construction products and services that should be considered in public procurement and tenders, GOZ construction strategies, and the availability and feasibility of using circular low-carbon materials. 

The meeting will also be a space to exchange experiences and present interesting best practices. If you would like to present your solutions in this area, please contact us. We anticipate a dedicated session for the presentation of circular solutions already on the market. 



Consortium Partners

Consortium consists of 5 institutions from 4 countries: Czech Republic, Poland, Slovenia and Germany.​


Project leader: Czech Technical University in Prague


Consortium Partners:

  • Faculty of Civil Engineering

  • Instytut Techniki Budowlanej

  • ZAG Slovenija

  • Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER)


Zapytanie ofertowe

Poszukujemy wykonawcy na realizacjÄ™ usÅ‚ugi polegajÄ…cej na kompleksowym opracowaniu Identyfikacji wizualnej dla projektu: „CirCon4Climate”, który jest wspóÅ‚finansowany ze Å›rodków Europejskiej Inicjatywy Klimatycznej.


Przedmiot zamówienia obejmuj:

1) Opracowanie pełnej identyfikacji wizualnej projektu: opracowanie kolorystyki projekty, czcionek, opracowanie znaku projektu, opracowanie ikon projektu.

2) Opracowanie logotypu projektu pod nazwÄ… „CirCon4Climate”. Logotyp w kilku wersjach kolorystycznych: monochromatyczny, wariant czarny, wariant biaÅ‚y, wariant kolorowy jednolity, wariant wielokolorowy.

3) Opracowanie edytowalnego szablonu prezentacji w PowerPoint zgodnego z identyfikacjÄ… wizualnÄ… projektu.

4) Opracowanie edytowalnego szablonu dokumentu tekstowego w Word zgodnego z identyfikacjÄ… wizualnÄ… projektu.


Pobierz peÅ‚ne zapytanie ofertowe zawierajÄ…ce szczegóÅ‚owe informacje o wymogach: ZAPYTANIE OFERTOWE.


Bardzo prosimy o przesyłanie ofert na adres do dnia 25 lutego 2023 roku.


Wyniki przetargów
realizowanych w ramach projektu CirCon4Climate

Przetarg 1.

Przedmiot zamówienia: Zaprojektowanie i zbudowanie strony internetowej projektu na WordPress.

Data ogÅ‚oszenia wyników: 12 lutego 2023

Wygrany oferent: Paweł Gil, Coolbrand


Przetarg 2.

Przedmiot zamówienia: Opracowanie peÅ‚nej identyfikacji wizualnej projektu CirCon4Climate.

Data ogÅ‚oszenia wyników: 16 lutego 2023

Wygrany oferent: Bartosz Nowakowski, Chrum.Company s.c.


Przetarg 3.

Przedmiot zamówienia: Opracowanie graficzne 20-stu przewodników w PDF, stworzonych w ramach projektu CirCon4Climate.

Data ogÅ‚oszenia wyników: 16 grudnia 2023

Wygrany oferent:  Tomasz SokoÅ‚owski,


Przetarg 4.

Przedmiot zamówienia: Zbudowanie 20-stu interaktywnych przewodników na stronie projektu CirCon4Climate (

Data ogÅ‚oszenia wyników: 23  stycznia 2024

Wygrany oferent:  PaweÅ‚ Gil, Coolbrand

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