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Foundation Institute of Innovation and Responsible Development

Chapter I. General Provisions

§ 1

  1. The Foundation Institute of Innovation and Responsible Development, hereinafter referred to as the Foundation, operates based on the Act of April 6, 1984, on Foundations and the provisions of this statute.

  2. The Foundation was established by Agnieszka Sznyk, hereinafter referred to as the Founder, by a notarial deed drawn up by notary Iwona Dąbrowska in the notary's office in Warsaw on April 5, 2018, Repertoire A No. 612/2018.

§ 2

  1. The registered office of the Foundation is Warsaw.

  2. The duration of the Foundation is indefinite.

  3. The area of operation of the Foundation is the entire territory of the Republic of Poland, and, if necessary for the proper implementation of its objectives, the Foundation may operate beyond the borders of the Republic of Poland.

§ 3

  1. The Foundation has legal personality.

  2. The Foundation is supervised by the minister responsible for economic affairs within the meaning of the Act of September 4, 1997, on government administration departments (Journal of Laws of 1997, No. 121, item 769, as amended).

§ 4

The Foundation may establish certificates, badges, and award them along with other prizes and distinctions to individuals and legal entities deserving of the foundation, contributing to the realization of the foundation's objectives.

Chapter II. Objectives and Principles of the Foundation's Activities

§ 5

The aim of the Foundation is to carry out socially useful activities in the field of public tasks for the economic and social development, including entrepreneurial development, promotion, innovation, environmental protection, health protection and promotion, employment and vocational activation, science, including student education.

Detailed Goals of the Foundation include:

  • Research and development activity, especially in supporting innovation development and promoting sustainable production and consumption;

  • Identification and support for the implementation of systemic changes contributing to the socio-economic development of Poland;

  • Building a platform for cooperation and dialogue between various stakeholders such as public administration, business, and scientists;

  • Actions for health protection and improving patient conditions;

  • Improving access of Polish society to innovative solutions in the field of medicine and pharmacy;

  • Environmental protection actions – both educational activities raising public awareness and supporting attitude change, and innovative solutions and processes implementation;

  • Human capital development with particular emphasis on equalizing opportunities, combating social exclusion, and supporting gender equality actions.

  • Education in the field of economic and social issues;

  • Business activities in the field of consulting, market research, conducting training and workshops, and export support.

§ 6

  1. The Foundation achieves its objectives by:

a) initiating, organizing, and financing scientific and research activities in the implementation of statutory objectives; b) initiating, planning, conducting, and commissioning information and promotional campaigns promoting the Foundation's activities; d) activities for European integration and development of international contacts and cooperation within the framework of statutory objectives; f) activities for socio-economic development, including entrepreneurship and innovation at the local, regional, and supra-regional levels; g) activities for the development of the social economy; h) cooperation with government and local government authorities, non-governmental organizations, and individuals and legal entities or entities without legal personality, including international entities.

  1. The activities specified in §5 and §6 are exclusively the statutory activities of the Foundation and may be carried out as either non-profit or for-profit activities.

Chapter III. Assets and Revenues of the Foundation

§ 7

The Foundation's assets consist of the founding capital in the amount of PLN 2,500 (two thousand five hundred zlotys) and other property acquired by the Foundation during its operation.

§ 8

  1. The Foundation's revenues come from:

a. donations, legacies, bequests, b. grants and subsidies from legal persons, c. income from collections and public events, d. income from the foundation's assets, e. bank interest, f. income from economic activity.

  1. The entire revenue earned by the Foundation is allocated to statutory activities and covering the costs of its operations.

Chapter IV. Authorities of the Foundation

§ 9

The authorities of the Foundation are:

Foundation Board, hereinafter referred to as the Board, Scientific Council of the Foundation, hereinafter referred to as the Council.

Foundation Board

§ 10

  1. The Board is a supervisory and advisory body of the Foundation.

  2. The Board consists of 2 to 10 members and is elected for a five-year term. The Board elects a Chairman of the Board from among its members, who leads its work.

  3. The Founder appoints the members of the first composition of the Board. Subsequent members of the Board, to replace those who have ceased to perform this function or to expand the composition of the Board, are appointed by the Board's decision.

  4. In particularly justified cases, the dismissal of a Board member and thus depriving them of membership in the Board may occur as a result of a resolution adopted unanimously by the remaining Board members.

  5. Membership in the Board expires due to:

  • voluntary resignation submitted in writing to the Chairman of the Board,

  • loss of civil rights due to a final court judgment for a crime committed intentionally,

  • dismissal, as referred to in point 4 of this paragraph,

  • the death of a member.

  1. Membership in the Board cannot be combined with membership in the Board.

§ 11

The tasks of the Foundation Board include:

  • setting the main directions of the Foundation's activities,

  • supervision and control over the Foundation's activities,

  • making decisions about changing the Foundation's statute,

  • making decisions about merging with another foundation.

§ 12

  1. The Board meets at least once a year.

  2. The Board is convened by the Chairman of the Board on their own initiative or at the request of the Board, submitted in writing.

  3. The Board makes decisions in the form of resolutions – by a simple majority of votes, with the presence of at least half of its members, unless further provisions stipulate otherwise. In the case of an equal number of votes, the Chairman's vote decides.

  4. A Board meeting may be convened urgently to consider a matter of a special nature, at the initiative of the Board or upon the written request of the Chairman of the Board or at least two of its members.

  5. An extraordinary meeting of the Board must be convened no later than 14 days from the date of submitting the application.

  6. Each ordinary member of the Board has one vote.

  7. The Chairman or a member of the Board designated by them conducts the Board's meetings.

Foundation Board

§ 13

  1. The Board consists of 2 to 5 members, including the President and Vice President, appointed by the Founder for a five-year term. The Founder designates the President of the Board.

  2. A Board member may serve more than one term.

  3. The composition of the Board is appointed by the Founder.

  4. Membership in the Board expires due to:

a. submitting a written resignation to the Foundation Board, b. loss of civil rights due to a final court judgment for a crime committed intentionally, c. death of a member of the Board.

§ 14

  1. The Board manages the Foundation's activities and represents it externally.

  2. The competences of the Board include:

  • managing the current activities of the Foundation,

  • achieving statutory objectives,

  • preparing work plans and budgets,

  • managing the Foundation's assets,

  • representing the Foundation externally,

  • employing employees and determining their remuneration,

  • submitting a proposal to the Board to amend the statute,

  • proposing to the Board a merger or liquidation of the Foundation.

  1. The Board is obliged to submit an annual report on the Foundation's activities to the Board.

§ 15

  1. Meetings of the Board take place as needed but no less than once every six months.

  2. The President convenes Board meetings by sending information about the date by electronic mail, and if this is not possible, by registered letter, at least 3 days before the planned meeting.

  3. All Board members must be informed about the meeting.

  4. The Board makes decisions by resolutions by a simple majority of votes, with the presence of at least half of its members, unless further provisions stipulate otherwise. In case of an equal distribution of votes, the President's vote decides.

Method of representation and incurring financial obligations

§ 16

The President of the Board - independently or two Board Members jointly - is authorized to make statements of will on behalf of the Foundation, including in financial matters.


§ 17

  1. To achieve the objectives of the Foundation, it may conduct business activities independently or in cooperation with other entities in the country and abroad, on general principles specified in separate regulations, and only to the extent serving the statutory objectives.

  2. Business activity may only be carried out as an addition to non-profit public benefit activities, and income from it (surplus of revenues over costs) is allocated to public benefit activities.

  3. The Foundation may carry out business activity in the following areas:

  • Retail sale not in stores, stalls, or markets (PKD 47.99.Z),

  • Preparation and delivery of food for external recipients (catering) (PKD 56.21.Z),

  • Publishing of books and periodicals, excluding software publishing (PKD 58.11.Z, 58.13.Z, 58.14.Z),

  • Film, video, and television program production activities (PKD 59.12.Z),

  • Data processing, website management (hosting), and similar activities (PKD 63.11.Z, 63.12.Z),

  • Rental and management of own or leased real estate (PKD 68.20.Z),

  • Human resources management (public relations) and communication (PKD 70.21.Z),

  • Other professional, scientific, and technical activities not elsewhere classified (PKD 74.90.Z),

  • Activities related to the administrative servicing of offices, including supporting activities (PKD 82.11.Z),

  • Research and development activities in the field of social sciences and humanities (PKD 72.20.Z),

  • Market research and public opinion polling (PKD 73.20.Z),

  • Organization of fairs, exhibitions, and congresses (PKD 82.30.Z),

  • Other non-school forms of education not elsewhere classified (PKD 85.59.B).

  1. The amount of PLN 1,000 (one thousand zlotys) is allocated for conducting business activity.

  2. The Foundation conducts financial management and accounting on principles specified in separate regulations.

  3. The Foundation separates the accounting and organizational conduct of paid and unpaid public benefit activities as well as business activities, to the extent allowing the determination of revenues, costs, and results of each of these activities, subject to accounting regulations.

  4. The financial year of the Foundation is the calendar year.

  5. The Board is responsible for the correct, reliable, and timely keeping of accounting records and financial reports.

Chapter VI. Final Provisions

§ 18

Changes to the Foundation's statute are made by the Board by an absolute majority of votes, with the presence of at least half of the members entitled to vote. Changes may concern the objectives specified in the founding act.

§ 19

  1. The Foundation may merge with another foundation for the effective implementation of its objectives.

  2. The merger with another foundation cannot take place if it would result in a significant change in the Foundation's objectives.

  3. In matters of merger with another foundation, the decision is made by the Board by an absolute majority of votes, with the presence of at least half of the members entitled to vote.

§ 20

  1. The Foundation is liquidated when its objectives are achieved, for which it was established, or when its financial resources and assets are exhausted.

  2. The Board notifies the Minister responsible for development and economy about the liquidation of the Foundation.

  3. The decision to liquidate is made by the Board by an absolute majority of votes, with the presence of at least half of the members entitled to vote.

  4. Financial resources and assets remaining after the liquidation of the Foundation may be allocated, by resolution of the Board, to organizations operating in Poland with similar objectives.

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