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NYMPHE Project kicks off to tackle environmental pollution

Zaktualizowano: 22 cze 2023

And off we go! The Nymphe Project (New sYsteM-driven bioremediation of Polluted Habitats and Environment) has officially started. The host of the kick-off meeting held on January 18-19, 2023 was the scientific coordinator of the project, The University of Bologna. 18 project partners coming from 12 European countries represent 9 Universities and research institutions, 6 SMEs, 1 large company and 2 NGOs. Members of the project were familiarized with the structure, modus operandi and detailed activities for the following years. Partners had space for interaction and establishing a common approach to the collaboration.

Nymphe is a four years project, funded under the Horizon Europe Program and dedicated to the bioremediation of polluted environments. The project targets to develop new effective „real situation-tailored” and „nature-inspired” bioremediation/revitalization strategies in different polluted environments using matrices taken from four contaminated European sites. Nymphe has the ambition of removing at least 90% of the main pollutants (e.g. plastics and pesticides in the agricultural soil, and chlorinated solvents/total petroleum hydrocarbon in groundwater and sediments of the industrial site) from each of the matrices of the four sites. After the process, the contaminated sites shall reach the highest environmental quality standards and their ecological status, with improved biodiversity, shall be closer to Natura 2000 specifications, with the intention to extend the Natura 2000 network.


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