Plastic Waste, Bio-based Streams and Electric Vehicle Batteries
Date: 20.06.2023
Time: 9:30 -15:00
Venue: Warsaw, ul. Rektorska 4 (Warsaw University of Technology)
Participation: only on-site
Registration: fill the form
We kindly invite local stakeholders from the Warsaw area: entrepreneurs, municipality and regional representatives, industry dealing or interested in these streams, as well as supportive stakeholders like policy makers and funding parties to take part in the interactive open discussion on identifying local needs, challenges, and motives to take up developed open access systemic circular economy solutions.
Workshop aims at gathering insights on what kind of factors would have to be taken into consideration locally when circular solutions would be implemented in Warsaw area as well as identify your interests, needs and possible challenges regarding plastic waste recycling, utilization of bio-based side and waste streams for biogas and composting, as well as repurposing electric vehicle batteries as stationary energy storage systems. We’ll be hosting three parallel sessions for each of the value chains to discuss the developed circular solutions in more detail and identifying potential for further uptake and replication.
Plastic waste
Let's support the circulation of non-recycled plastics by optimising recycling technologies, collection and logistics.
TREASoURcE activities aim to create added value products from currently non-circulated plastic waste to support the market development of recycled plastics and to capture the value lost today by utilising mechanical and thermochemical recycling. The target plastic waste streams include rejects from mechanical recycling of municipal plastic waste, agricultural plastics and battery-based plastic waste. During TREASoURcE, the recyclability of these streams will be demonstrated with a target recycling rate of 90 %.
Electric vehicle batteries
Demonstrating and validating the usage of 2nd life electric vehicle batteries for energy storage.
TREASoURcE will evaluate the potential for use of 2nd life electric vehicle batteries as energy storage systems and demonstrate their functionality and sustainability in two demo cases of energy storage for solar power. One of the tasks is to compare 1st life and 2nd life battery system sustainability. While 2nd life batteries are much more economically viable, they are often not considered due to limited certified providers. TREASoURcE will increase safety by having companies involved in the reuse business as producers, which leads to proper maintenance and better monitoring of battery condition.
Bio-based streams
Creating circular economy markets, business models and bio-based value chains while boosting the urban-rural symbiosis.
TREASoURcE will demonstrate efficient formation of local value chains that utilize local resources for biogasification and recovered fertilizers instead of being unutilized or transported elsewhere. This will entail currently missing large-scale raw material mapping, logistics optimization and mapping existing and potential locations for new refineries. The optimized side-waste stream value chains will be supported by a developed e-market place, which is also easily replicable and transferable, and market values/pricing for underutilized streams. Also new kind of cooperative models will be exploited, such as biogas cooperatives.

EU-funded project
TREASoURcE is part of the European Union’s Circular Cities and Regions Initiative (CCRI) that seeks to support the implementation of circular economy solutions across Europe’s cities and regions. TREASoURcE project aims to initiate systemic change by developing technologies and systemic circular economy (CE) solutions in cities and regions for currently underutilized or unused plastic waste, end-of life electric vehicle batteries and bio-based side and waste streams. Implementing these solutions together with companies, societies (including citizens, consumers, communities, and regional actors) and experts in the field is expected to significantly increase product and material circulation in the Nordic and Baltic Sea Regions.
Project duration is 06/2022 – 05/2026. Project is coordinated by VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland.
Project Website: TREASoURcE - Territorial and regional demonstrations of circular systemic solutions

9:30-10:00 Registration and coffee
10:00-10:30 Introduction (Anna Tenhunen-Lunkka, project coordinator, VTT)
Practicalities of the workshop
European Commission's Circular Cities and Regions Initiative: CCRI and funding opportunities for regional circular economy
TREASoURcE in a nutshell
Purpose of the workshop
10:30-10:50 Circularity Gap Report Poland (Agnieszka Sznyk, INNOWO)
10:50-11:00 Coffee break
11:00-12:00 Parallel workshop sessions:
Bio-based side & waste streams
Introduction to demonstrations;
Discussion on possibility and mapping activity on demonstrations and replication – potential, interest, needs, challenges.
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-14.30 Parallel workshop sessions continue
14:30-15:00 Wrap up and conclusions